I saw my book in a dream. It had a red cover, with various symbols and shapes. A few weeks later, when my publisher asked me to submit some ideas for cover design, I figured, why not? Maybe the dream was a vision from God, or maybe it was a handy way to narrow my options. Either way, it seemed like a no-brainer.
RED. I told them. With symbols and shapes from my story…
My oldest son has some talent for graphic design, and his wife is an expert in the field. When I showed Grant my first mock-ups, he was immediately invested, and at the end of the day, this cover includes his fingerprints, too.
So. My book is nearing completion. June 2022 is the projected release—at which time, we shall have a party! I’d LOVE for you to be there (either in person or virtually) but I need your help. Whether you are a regular reader of my blog posts, or an occasional dabbler, it would help me enormously if you would subscribe to my email list. My commitment to you is to NOT fill your inbox with junk. Seriously, I promise. But as it turns out, having a substantial email list is like “important thing #1” to book launch success… so yeah. You could seriously be a part of that.
By the way, if you’re reading this, and my "cover story" seems like old news to you, and you’re thinking, “I must have had a dream about this book, too, because I’ve definitely seen this before…”—then way to go! You are already an email-list subscriber, and you had your “sneak peek” at the cover last month (:
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am truly grateful.