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  • Sonya Leigh Anderson

A Song Gift

Nils & Brina wedding photo by Kiana Grant Photography

Apparently March is the season for travel. I will have loaded and unloaded my suitcase three times in less than a month, just as the calendar flips to April. First, the Grand Canyon with Jimmy and Sid. Then, a three-night stay with our Iowa offspring. And this weekend I’m retreating with brand-new friends from our newish church.

Which doesn’t leave a lot of time for writing. So I thought I’d do something a little different this week.

While in Iowa, we had the opportunity to be led in worship by our “newlywed” son. (Nils leads the singing for a college ministry every Thursday evening. He also leads teens on Wednesdays, and plays in the band on Sunday mornings.) Of all the blessings of being Mom to young adults (and there are many) one of the sweetest is being pastored by them. There is nothing like being led by your kids to the throne room of Jesus.

One of the new songs Nils taught me last weekend was like a melodious sermon. (Another benefit of having musical offspring is they help their old mama keep the playlists fresh.) Abide, by Aaron Williams is absolutely breathtaking, rich with profound biblical imagery, and with a tune that will stay with you for days on end. You should definitely give it a listen.

That’s it… enjoy (:

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