We’re celebrating two today. Our firstborn, and our youngest. One born on 3-3-93. The other seven years later at the start of a new millennium. One Gen Y, the other Gen Z. Birthplaces 3000 miles apart. But brothers.
Grant and Jimmy.
I remember how exciting it was when we saw the date of Jimmy’s birthday. Grant who’d always wanted an adopted brother was happy to share his special day. And now it’s been over a year since they’ve been sharing a place in our family.
Over a year. The other night Jimmy sat at the kitchen table working on homework when it hit him. I’m going to be 16. My second birthday here in my new home. And you could see the emotion — I felt it too. Life is moving so fast, am I ready?
A picture sits above the kitchen sink. Two Colombian boys by a Christmas tree. The first time we met them, and they’re little boys. Jimmy sees it, too. How could that have been me?
Kyle works from home today, a scrapbook open on his desk. Baby Grant. Our pride and joy. Now a man.
Life is good. So good.
So much life and energy in these two boys. Two fast motors. Two passionate hearts. Two young men taking the world by storm.
Grant. My first son. A man. You bless me. Every day in so many ways. A Proverb come true. I watch you use your gifts for the glory of God. In love with Jesus, alive with the Spirit. A husband. A pastor. An artist. Humble and good. My prayers answered.
Jimmy. God’s gift to me and our family. A surprise in so many ways. You stretch me and test me and you bless me, too. So much life, and so much potential. You work hard and play hard. I’m amazed by all you’ve accomplished this year. Soccer success. Snowboard stud. Faithful friend.
I got a text and a hug this morning. Blessings for mom from boys on their birthday. I love you guys. So much. Thank you.
The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful! Proverbs 23:24-25