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Two Become Ten

Sonya Leigh Anderson

(Photo credit to Kiana Grant Photography)

The boy is on the road, heading due west. Like a pioneer. Good-bye Iowa, and if all goes as planned, home-sweet-home Colorado by nightfall. Home as in this is where he plans to live for the next leg of the journey, along with his new bride. Actual address still TBD.

We’re all in the final countdown. Twelve days until Christmas, another week until wedding. And I’ve been making my lists and checking them twice all week long. (Mom-of-the-groom dress and accessories – check. Midnight kisses in burgundy bags – check. Rehearsal dinner, reservation and décor – check and check. Boxes of trousers, dress shirts, and burgundy ties for groomsmen and dads – check, check, check. Ski passes for 6, including lunch – good to go. $10 gifts for Christmas exchange – good enough. Christmas presents for five boys, two daughters-in-law, and one grandbaby girl – see below.)

Luke and Ali will tie the knot with a New Year’s Eve wedding, December 31, 2018. Neither knowing what the future holds, but content to know they’ll hold each other, and it’s all that matters. My second-born boy has always been my least decisive, prone to questions, given to doubts. But on this one thing he’s never wavered. Not. Even. Once. Alison Elise Fuller is most surely The One.

Ahh. Young love. Today arriving home from work my husband greets me with a hug and a kiss. Happy almost anniversary, and I’m thinking the same. Jimmy tells us we’re silly, says we’re too old, until I take that sassy face in my own two hands and – you were pretty excited about your six months with Sidney.  A “dating anniversary” and we’re twenty-nine years of real-life marriage, and Son – we’ve earned the right to be a little bit sappy. Can I get an Amen?

Come Friday midday my hubby and I will pack our bags for our two-night stay. AWAY. It’s been our anniversary tradition for several years, this escape before Christmas. Part celebration, part power-shopping. And when I told the young moms at church this morning they thought I was crazy. You mean you haven’t even started?! That’s right. Forty-eight hours is more than enough time to buy all those presents, and for a gal who hates shopping, doing it this way is actually FUN. And don’t worry, Jimmy. We’ll also find time for something romantic (;

And some much-needed rest. We’d best catch a few good Z’s while we have the chance, because the next couple of weeks are going to be CRAZY. Not that you’re all that interested in our family itinerary, and you’re more than welcome to skip this part. But in case you’re curious. Felipe’s birthday. Christmas at Grammy’s. Load Jeep and trailer. Two days in Des Moines (Christmas Eve/Christmas Day). Drive to Colorado. A day with the Fullers. FOGO in Denver for Adoption Day. Late Christmas at Micah’s. Rehearsal and dinner. A NEW YEAR’S EVE WEDDING. New Year’s Day on the slopes. And a drive back home. (That’s thirteen days straight, in case you’re counting.)

Because that’s just how it is in this Boy Mom family. Never a dull moment, and always growing. Midnight kisses at a mountain-view wedding, two becoming one, and from two we’ll be ten.

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