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Sonya Leigh Anderson

Boy Mom in Real Time

Kiana Grant Photography

Today’s post will be short and sweet for reasons that will become obvious. This week…this month…this season of life is full to bursting with assorted blessings. Here’s a sample for those who are curious…

Some of my most faithful readers have been following these blog posts for nine years! I started writing as Boy Mom during the summer of 2014, while awaiting the adoption of our two Colombian sons. (If you’re curious, you can read one of my first posts here.)

Now just shy of a decade later our Jimmy is getting married. Ten days and counting. This weekend we will host a 48 hour bachelor party here at the lake. Prayers welcome. Seriously, I can hardly wrap my mind around the sheer blessing of getting to be Mom to Felipe and Jimmy, and now adding my fourth daughter-by-marriage. (If you’d like to know a bit about Jimmy and Sidney, you can read their engagement story here. Wedding post coming soon!)

This week also marks the ONE YEAR BIRTHDAY of grand-baby number three! (Who knew so much could happen in nine short years?!) Our precious Bo Burton is fast on his way to becoming one of the big kids. And he’s even cuter than his name—

See what I mean?

Bo Bo’s parents are throwing a big bash in his honor Saturday evening, which Nana and Papi will attend mid-bachelor party and in route from trip #1 to MSP airport. The first of our out-of-state sons will arrive from NYC just in time for the party. Thus launching a two-week stretch of a full guest room, full bunkhouse…and a full heart for a mama who daily misses her boys.

In the midst of ALL this, I’m in the thick of my return to seminary…a journey I put on hold a decade ago for reasons you can read about here. Current timing might be crazy, and by next week I may be having serious second thoughts, but for today I am grateful for the opportunity to be doing something I love by way of learning.

I started this week with a heartfelt prayer of surrender. Fear. Stress. Perfectionism. Anxiety. Laid at the altar. “God, I trust you.” And He heard me. My life is full, but my heart is free. Free to love and free to enjoy…free to do what I can and leave the rest.


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