I think I’m in a season of discovering Jesus.
An odd statement, maybe, considering. Considering a recent post all about falling in love with Jesus when I was twelve. Which I did. An odd statement considering I’m living in my sixth decade, and every single previous one has included this Jesus. An odd statement considering I work at a church, telling everyone always all about Jesus.
And yet. Something has been happening. Something so radical, and so defining, and the best I can explain is that I’ve been discovering Jesus like He’s NEW.
Rewind. Two decades ago. I was in my thirties when another, previous, SOMETHING happened. I’ve referred to this, or described it, in numerous posts. A beautiful breaking, transformation, when I cried out to God, “Give me whatever it is I’m missing!” and He did. He met me ways unimagined, lavishly giving me more of HIM.
More of His Spirit. This I knew from the very beginning. Grace was His Spirit filling me. Doing for me what I’d tried and failed to do on my own. Breaking sin. Transformation. Fruit of His presence, alive in me. Holy Spirit.
And. More of The Father. Hungry, becoming a student of scripture. Reading. Rereading. Cover to cover. Again and again. Which is where I discovered the Bible as story. One big story from beginning to end, and God is the hero. The Covenant story. Heart of the Father—Hero who loves.
And more. God is good and He is faithful. God, I trust you. Nothing missing, nothing broken. Real life story, Shalom of God. My family story.
ALL THIS, and how could it possibly be, SOMETHING still missing? HOW??
I wouldn’t have known it. But here. He’s shown me.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
Luke 4:18-19
This text. Luke’s Gospel, word from Isaiah. Repeated in sermons. Podcasts. A conference this weekend. Consuming my thoughts, whispered in dreams. This word that is Jesus.
Because lately…
Lately, something crazy amazing. Weeks, or months, I’ve lost track of the time. Too much to explain, but still I’ll try.
A shift in my thinking. Eyes reopened. New perspective. Every book, and every podcast. THIS IS JESUS.
good news to the poor freedom for prisoners sight for the blind the oppressed set free
What does this mean? For me?
I’m still uncovering, still discovering. But here’s what I’m thinking.
There’s more. Something more than Jesus loves me. More than falling in love with Him. More than having my sins forgiven. More than the cross and the resurrection. Stay with me now, and maybe you’ll see it.
Being with Jesus is joining His mission.
The poor. The imprisoned. The sick and the hurting. Oppressed. Outcast. Foreigner stranger. The messed up broken. To be with Jesus is to be with them.
This past weekend, day three of a conference, final worship. Tears flowing. Knowing. The Father’s Heart and the Spirit’s filling, is first and foremost this JESUS MISSION…
Jesus the name above every other name Jesus the only one who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for you Oh we live for you
Holy there is no one like you There is none beside you Open up my eyes in wonder
And then this—
Show me who you are and fill me With your heart and lead me In your love to those around me*
And I’m hands raised, weeping, knowing.
He’s showing.