Journal entry: January 6, 2021

I Don’t Know.
I don’t know what the season is for. This season without direction. Without vocation. Without any real God-given passion.
There have been seasons before—all mission, all passion. I was born for this seasons. But now. I don’t know.
So I wonder and wait in this quiet. This winter. This COVID. This un-vocation. And it’s…
Lovely. Unexpected.
Snow shimmering soft and white across lake and trees. Kindest path through private woods. (Larry’s gift, accepted daily.) Life-giving balm for a waiting soul.
Waiting for what? Or is this enough?
I walk and enjoy gifts of grace. Forecast clouds, light breaking through.
Quiet thoughts repeat thanks. Thank you. Thank you.
Even my dog is all joy. Wild delight.
And yet. I don’t know what I’m waiting for.
